Mediation can help you and your ex (or other family member) agree arrangements for your children and your finances.
A mediator is an independent professional who will:
- Listen and help you both to work out what has to be dealt with
- Discuss what your options might be and what might work best for the future
- Make sure you both have chance to speak and be heard
- Provide any information needed to help your discussions
- Tell you when you might need further independent advice on matters such as pensions
- Ensure decisions are made jointly, are fair for both of you, for any children involved, and for your family circumstances
When you reach an agreement, the mediator will put it in writing and make sure you understand what it means. The agreement is not legally binding but you can make it legally binding by submitting a consent order to court on the same terms.
Further information about mediation can be found here.
You can find a local mediator here. Some mediators provide mediation paid for by legal aid, you can check if you are eligible for legal aid here.
Family mediation voucher scheme
This is a time-limited scheme. The Government has set up the scheme in response to Covid-19 and to encourage more people to consider mediation. A financial contribution of up to £500 towards the costs of mediation will be provided, if eligible. You can find out more information here.
What have others said about family mediation?
‘I feel we can now move on in our parenting relationship with a much clearer understanding of our responsibilities. Not only towards [our child] but to each other as his mother and father.’
‘This is the only civilized way to sort our money out. I have been selling mediation to all my friends.’
‘If we had a similar situation again, mediation would be at the forefront of our minds as an option that would bring about an amicable solution.’